AquaKLEAR P Series
Water Conditioners |
AquaKLEAR "P" Series
Electronic Active Physical Water Treatment Units
(For Commercial Pools, Spas, Ponds & Cooling Tower Applications)
Links to Related Information: |
P Flyer
AquaKLEAR Case Studies
Spec Guide |
Are you suffering from
consistently battling
cloudy pool water?
Are you loosing the battle to
bacteria or
Does your
pool's pH
bounce out of control?
Are you constantly
your pool?
If you answered yes to
any of these questions, we can help!
We invite Commercial and Government clients to try our
AquaKLEAR "P" unit on
your pool for 30 days RISK FREE
BEFORE WE INVOICE. After 30 days, simply pay for the unit, or
return it to us. We are confident that you will want to keep the P unit protecting your pool!
For more info, see our
Try BEFORE You Buy
Program |
Q: I heard that I can manage algae simply by shocking with
bleach. This is both cheap and effective.
Learn more about why continually using high levels of bleach may not be
such a good idea!Our AquaKLEAR P units
will typically:
Typically clear a cloudy
pool in JUST ONE or TWO DAYS!
Extend time needed between
backwash cycles by up to 4x
Significantly reduce
backwash time needed to clear filter of debris
Reduce make-up water usage
(and costs to reheat & retreat)
Stabilize pH levels quickly
within the accepted range.
Kill and Control
Bacteria and Algae.
This is achieved without the
need for additional chemicals, or other user intervention.
If you are a pool or spa owner or manager, think about how much
easier your life would be:
- If your swimming pool or spa's water could always be beautiful
and crystal clear
- If the water smelled fresh, and felt pleasing and natural all the
- If your pool or spa could remain free of ugly calcium stains or
deposits, and unwanted algae growth?
- If you could be certain that the water is always free of harmful
bacteria and microbes?
- If you could achieve all these things and REDUCE
your chemical usage and backwash times?
- If maintaining your pool or spa to keep it clean and fresh could
be less of a headache and less costly to manage?
- Think of how inviting your pool would be for your guests if
all this were so!
- With our AquaKLEAR P units, these dreams
become a reality!
No other technologies alone can provide all the benefits
associated with our AquaKLEAR P Units!
AquaKLEAR "P" Series water conditioning units were
specifically designed for use with swimming pools, spas, ponds, and
cooling tower applications. These units utilize the same
technology as used in our "C" model units used for scale control, except
that our "P" series are specifically engineered for use with loop
systems where the generated signal could otherwise be negatively
affected. Also, we employ a much stronger and somewhat different
signal which promotes
Kills Bacteria
as well.
The P Series provides a powerful and continuous
flocculation effect, and helps control and kill many (if not most) forms of
harmful bacteria and microbes, which reduces the possibility of bathers
Water Illnesses. By promoting flocculation, AquaKLEAR
also reduces backwash time, and helps reduce problems associated with
chlorine treatment (reduces Chloramines & THMs). The result is
non-irritating crystal clear water for an enjoyable swimming experience.
AquaKLEAR is a MUST HAVE for any commercial pool facility!
P Series units can also be used in cooling tower, pond, fountain, and
wastewater applications where algae, bio-fouling, and high costs of
flocculants are of concern. We also work closely with our industrial
clients to determine if AquaKLEAR is a viable solution for their
specific process applications. See our
for some of the applications which have successfully used Hydropath
Technology in conjunction with various process operations. Systems
with piping up to 78" (2 meters) can be treated.
Still skeptical? Be sure to check out our
BEFORE You Buy Program. |
SPECIAL NOTE: Laboratory
have indicated that the P Series units kill E. Coli as well as other strains of
bacteria and algae which the units have been tested against. Additional
research is being conducted to determine applications in other areas which would
benefit from this factor, and other inherent design capabilities of this unit.
New units are also being developed which
may be useful in applications for drinking water systems. The unit
may be used in applications to enhance the disinfection capabilities in
straight-through systems to be used as potable water. We will report
further progress in these areas as it becomes available.
Special Note to Organizational Research and Development Departments:
(If your organization is involved in R&D of various process
equipment, be sure to read this offer!) |
AquaKLEAR-P units are available for both public and private
pools of any size.
Ask us about our exclusive AquaKLEAR Alert! System,
which gives an audio alarm if power is removed from the unit, or the
unit has failed for any reason.
Note: The AquaKLEAR Alert! System is for
use with P, C, and S series units only. |