ECMI Product Case Studies
To review various Product Case Studies, click on the info link from the corresponding
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Public Case
Studies |

Savastat LC

Hydropath |

Savastat Case Studies:
The majority of Savastat LC Case Studies have been conducted in the UK, where
the products are manufactured and have been marketed successfully for over 12 years.
Hydropath Case Studies:
We provide a TINY sampling of the available
material regarding Hydropath case studies. The bulk of these case studies are conducted by various
around the world,
and not necessarily the manufacturer themselves. We provide some of the case studies
which have been translated into English for our use.
Feel free to inquire about additional case studies in regard to your specific
applications, and we will send the inquiry to the manufacture to see
what additional material they may have which would be helpful to your
ECMI actively conducts case studies with the support of our clients.
Check back often for new updates of USA case studies.