Physical Water Treatment/Conditioning
Chemists are concerned with the chemical reaction of elements
and compounds that have formed as a result of the reactions. However, to
gain an understanding of Physical Conditioners, one has to take into
account the physical effects that occur before the reactions
take place, hence the terms "physical treatment" or "physical conditioning".
Be aware that most
physical water conditioning products (or PWT for "Physical Water Treatment") on the market today deal in some way
with placing magnets or coils on the water system. Magnets have been
found to have little if no positive effect in most systems. This is
do to the FACT that magnetic systems RELY ON FLOW to achieve the desired
effect. When the water is not flowing, no effect is achieved.
When the water stops flowing, the desired effect is then quickly lost. Also, the amount of energy that these types of devices can impart into the
solute is minimal, and rapidly decreases with pipe size. Even the most
powerful magnets are not effective on large pipes. See the
diagram below regarding magnetic water conditioners.

Due to the fact that most PWT devices rely on flow to be effective, the
current PWT industry and the professionals who have recommended these
products have suffered a "black eye" in the industry and among
other water treatment professionals. Because most PWT vendors do not
practice implementing their products strictly on applications where they
have a chance of being effective, (which may be partially due to the fact
that they don't seem to even know
WHY or how their
products might work) and therefore don't know how to
properly specify their products for specific applications, the general consensus in
the industry and among professionals has become simply that "they don't work".
So why are these products still around? Simply put, every once
in a while they get lucky and help to reduce scale in a system that has
continuous flow, or meets the conditions of which they have a chance to be
effective with.
Hydropath changes all this!
Hydropath can be regarded as an "Active" Physical Water Conditioner,
whereas the propagation of the signal is ACTIVE ALL OF THE TIME, and does
not rely on flow whatsoever. The signal generated propagates
throughout the entire system and is treating the water ALL THE TIME.
This is what makes Hydropath so unique in the field of Physical Water
Treatment. No other technology available today does this.

Hydropath IS the solution to hard water scaling.